DuroMax XP4400 Portable Generator vs DuroMax XP4400E

What is the difference between the DuroMax XP4400 and the XP4400E portable generator? The XP4400E offers electric/manual starting method option, while the XP4400 only manual. The XP4400-CA and XP4400E-CA units sold to California and CARB-compliant already.

DuroMax XP4400

The XP4400 features 4400 Watt Surge/3500 Watt Continuous, 4 Gallon Gas Tank/8 Hour Run Time, EZ-Pull Recoil Start, EPA Approved and Automatic Low Oil Shut Off.

The EPA approved with a rating of 69 dBA for quiet operation thanks to its super-quiet muffler. The exclusive DuroMax RV Switch (voltage selector) allows you to get maximum power from each of the 120-volt receptacles as well as choose between operating the generator at both 120 and 240 volts simultaneously, or at 120 only with full power.

DuroMax XP4400E

The XP4400E also features 4400 Watt Surge/3500 Watt Continuous, 4 Gallon Gas Tank/8 Hour Run Time, EPA Approved and Automatic Low Oil Shut Off. It also adds Electric Key Start/Includes Battery.


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  2. I have an XP4400E and it quit putting out electricity. The engine runs but no output. I have checked the breaker and it seems flimsy. any other ideas?

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